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Instructions for authors

The journal publishes original research articles from Geography and other
closely-related research fields. All submitted mansucripts should be placed
in international or wide comparative context.

Image by Patrick Tomasso
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Manuscript language, size, style and formatting

Geographia Cassoviensis publishes articles in English language. The journal accepts only manuscripts using the template providing detailed information on style and formatting. Manuscripts can be written using either American or British grammar, but one of them should be used throughout the whole manuscript. The entire text should be up to 20 pages (8000 words) respecting template default formatting and page settings.

For title of each section, use the font Times New Roman, bold, size 11, 3 pt. spacing after paragraph. For the remaining part of the text, use Times New Roman, size 10, without any additional formatting except for 0.5 cm first line indentation at the beginning of each paragraph. It is advised to use automatic hyphenation (default setting in this template).


Manuscript structure

Each manuscript should contain title, authors´ names, abstract and keywords and the main body of text with standard structuring of scientific paper into sections (e.g., Introduction, Theory/Research background, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions) and paragraphs. This is followed by References, Acknowledgement and Authors´ affiliation (which together with authors´ names are not available for reviewers during the peer-review process).

The abstract should be written as one paragraph (about 300 words). The abstract must state the overarching goal or main objective(s), as well as the purpose/rationale of the study in two or three sentences. This should be followed by succinct statements concerning the data used, approach adopted, and methods used. The scope and study design may also be mentioned. The key focus of the paper should be emphasized. Furthermore, one should point out what was achieved and/or what were the strengths and limitations of the studies. Any societal benefits and/or breakthroughs are also worth mentioning. The abstract must be self-contained. A reader should not have to read through the paper to understand it. Therefore, please define any acronyms used in the abstract or try to avoid them.

The introduction presents the formulation of the problem, the current state of knowledge and the explicit indication of the goal.
The methodological part describes the methods and data used, including a description of the area of ​​interest. The resulting part presents the achieved results documented in the form of figures and tables. In this section, the results are also interpreted. In the Discussion, the achieved results are subjected to critical analysis and compared with similar works by other authors.

Conclusions should be both concise and precise, and include: (a) a description of the significant achievement or outcome of the study; (b) any new findings; (c) a statement of how knowledge is advanced; (d) an explanation of how the study is unique; and (e) the way forward. Vague subjective words should be avoided, while strengths and limitations should be clearly stated. In case of review papers, the conclusions should summarize the “state-of-art” of knowledge, knowledge gaps, and suggest ideas for going forward. Sometimes, authors combine discussions and conclusions into a single section. We do not recommend this in Geographia Cassoviensis. The purpose of the conclusion is to show the real contribution of the research (i.e., how the research enhances overall knowledge of the field). In contrast, discussions are meant to show how one’s study compares with other studies, and in rare cases, how one’s study sets the stage for subsequent inquiries. We recommend discussing the results in a separate chapter or joining the discussion with the presentation of the results. Conclusions must be self-contained, i.e., a reader should not have to read through the paper to understand it and it would help if any acronyms were written in full.

Tables, figures, formulas and equations

Tables and figures should be placed in the text but figures must be sent also as numbered individual files in sufficient resolution in a common graphic format (.tiff, .jpg).

EPS: Vector drawings. Embed the font or save the text as “graphics”.
TIFF or JPG: Colour or grayscale photographs: always use a minimum of 300 dpi.
TIFF or JPG: Bitmapped line drawings: use a minimum of 1000 dpi.
TIFF or JPG: Combinations bitmapped line/halftone (colour or grayscale): a minimum of 500 dpi is required.

Please do not (i) supply files that are optimized for screen use (e.g., GIF, BMP, PICT, WPG); the resolution is too low; (ii) supply files that are too low in resolution, (iii) submit graphics that are disproportionately large for the content. Figures are preferred in the greyscale but they are accepted in full colour if it increases informative value of the figure. After successful reviewing process, the issue of full colour/grayscale graphics should be consulted with editors prior to final manuscript submission.

All kinds of graphics (graphs, schemes, maps, photos, etc.) must be labelled as figures with ascending numbering: Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc. Tables are to be labelled as Tab. with ascending numbering: Tab. 1, Tab. 2, etc. Caption of a table is supposed to be placed above the table. Sources and notes of the table, if applicable, are placed below the table. Figure captions, sources and notes, if applicable, are all placed below figures.
The captions must be self-contained. A reader should not have to read through the paper to understand it. For captions, sources and notes use the font Times New Roman, italics, size 10, centred. Each table or figure must be referenced in the text and placed after the first reference to it occurred in the text.

Most favourable, the tables are constructed directly in the MS Word, and left editable (i.e. not as raster images). Within the tables, the font Arial Narrow should be preferred using smaller size (8 or 9) to save the space. Please, use the same size and font in all tables in the manuscript.

Formulas and equations within text have to be editable in MS Word equation editor. Simple formulas and equations can be typed directly in the sentence. More complex formulas and equations should be placed in a separate line and centred. Formulas and equations should be numbered only if they need to be referenced in the text, as Eq. 1, Eq. 2, etc.


Geographia Cassoviensis uses the Harvard style referencing in in-text citations as well as in the List of references. In-text citations consist of author´s surname and year of publication. In case of more extensive sources (e.g., monograph books), it is advisable to state also the number of page or range of pages where the referenced text is placed in the source. Connections between in-text citations and sources in the list of references must be clear. If there are more than three authors, only the first author + “et al.” is stated. If referring to more sources from one author and one year, put a, b, c… after the year to distinguish them. Examples:

Cáfal (2016)
(Berry, Kasarda and John 1977, Jameson 2010)
(Papadopulos 2018a, p. 142)
Phin Li and Maňkoš (1997, pp. 74-75)
Laser et al. (2019)
(Laser et al. 2019, Jameson 2010)
Johanides (2014), Limestone and Jones (2019), Papadopulos (2018b)

In the list of references, indicate full DOI for each source if available. Examples of the Harvard style full citations in the list of references used in Geographia Cassoviensis for:

Book with one author

MESSI, S. 1985: Tourism development in Albanian Riviera. Tirana (Ministry of Economy and Tourism).

CÁFAL, H. 2016: Holistic geography in science. London (Royal University of Geography).

Book with up to six authors

CHWABIK, L., SAXA, P., VALICOVÁ, D., LIVINGSTONE, J., NÁČINOVÁ, J. 2007: Distribution of university graduates in public sphere (7th edition). Bratislava (TLC Press). DOI:

BERRY, B. J., KASARDA, L., JOHN, D. 1977: Contemporary urban ecology. New York (Macmillan Publishing).

Book with more than six authors (use et al. after the third author in any kind of source with more than six authors)

LEONEL, S., MUSTER, D., MENDELOVA, H. et al. 2019: Future of Geography in Western Europe. Duesseldorf (Centre for Science Publishing house). DOI:

TELEP, Z., RANDOM, F., KENEDY, U. et al. 2010: New World Realms (5th edition). Košice (Institute of Geography). DOI:

Edited book (use “ed.” if there is one, or “eds.” if there are more editors)

PAPADOPULOS, C. ed. 2018: Launching new approaches in geography (2nd edition). Perth (Australian Geographic Publishing ltd.).

PASTOR, A., KALVIN, D., LUTHER, J. eds. 2015: Routes of geography of religion. Wien (Scientific Publishing House).

Transliterated source (book):

MARININA, A. M., RUDENKO, S. 2014: Estimation of Nature-Resource Potential of Ukraine as a Basis for Management of Nature-Protection Activity. Chernivtsi (Chernivtsi National University). DOI: [МАРИНИНА А. М РУДЕНКО С. 2014: Оцінка природно-ресурсного потенціалу України як основа менеджменту природоохоронної діяльності. Чернівці (Чернівецький національний університет)].

Chapter in a book, conference proceedings, map in atlas (use “pp.” to indicate range of pages of the chapter, use “p.” if whole cited chapter is only at one page)

AUTHOR. O., RESEARCHER, T. 2018: Košice as a centre of IT industry development. In Editor, J. ed. Economy development in Eastern Slovakia. Košice (Economic Press), pp. 148-156. DOI:

DREWETT, R., ROSSI, A. 1981: General urbanisation trends in Western Europe. In Klaasen, L. H., Molle, W. T. M., Paelinck, J. H. P. eds. Dynamics of Urban Development. Aldershot (Gower), pp. 199-236.

SHORTER, D. 2007: Beyond suburbanization. In Editor, H., Edit, N. eds. Conference on Urban Development – Book of abstracts. Pretoria
(Uniba Press), p. 47.

CARTOGRAPHER, J. 2012: Distribution of caves, 1:10 000. In Researcher, H. ed. Atlas of karst in Slovakia. Rožňava (Carsology Centre), pp. 24-25.

Article in journal (indicate only name, volume of the journal and range of pages of the article; indicate also the number of issue in the brackets after the volume, if the pages numbering is not continuous within one volume)

PHIN LI, X., MAŇKOŠ, D. 1997: Migration from China to Central Europe. Journal of Intercontinental Migration, 34, 129-137.

NOVÁK, J. 2017: Landslides in Slovak karst. Geomorphology, 12(3), 64-82.

LASER, D., KENNY, G., BONEY, M. et al. 2019: Adjusting aerial scanner to the cave environment. Journal of Geoinformatics, 2, 194-211.

Data or documents released by authority (indicate authority as author, even if it is the same as publisher; if it is clear enough, it is possible to use abbreviation of the authority name as an author to make easier in-text referencing; if there is a set of data published annually or more frequently but regularly with the same name differing only in date, it is possible to indicate range of years instead of one year)

GUS 2015: Liczba ludnosci w gminach miejskich wedlug spisu w 2011 r. Warszawa (GUS – Glowny urzad statystyczny).

NSO 2010-2015: Annual international migration balance in the counties of Great Britain. London (NSO – National Statistical Office).

SHMÚ 2000-2010: Monthly perception at the meteorological stations in Podtatranská kotlina basin. Bratislava (SHMÚ – Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute).

MINISTRY OF FINANCE 2010: Volume of import and export at the level of individual counties 2009. Bratislava (Ministry of Finance).

EUROPEAN COMMISSION 2020: Directive on traffic emissions. Bruxelles (European Commission).

Thesis (bachelor, diploma, dissertation…)

GRADUATE, L. 2012: Thesis about geography – diploma thesis. San Francisco (Geography College).

HALENÁROVÁ, G. 1995: Postoje študentov k vedeckej činnosti – dizertačná práca. Poprad (Dizertačné centrum).

Internet sources, websites (indicate date of citation only when information or data on cited website are likely to change in time)

PRAGUE MUNICIPALITY 2016: Current state of shared tax income in urban districts. Official Prague Website [cit. 2015-07-31].
Retrieved from:

BALD-HEAD, I. 2015: The first paper ever in online journal. Geographic Online Journal, 1, 12-21.
Retrieved from:


For the purposes of the review, the manuscript and figures should be sent via email to in a single MS Word document file with figures compressed to lower, though sufficient, resolution so that the single manuscript file does not exceed 25 Mb.

After the review process, if the paper is accepted, the revised manuscript should be sent in a separate file and figures should be sent in separate files. Should the size of the figures exceed 25Mb, it is possible to send them in separate e-mails or consult with editors (via e-mail to on the most convenient approach of delivering the figure files.

Peer-review process

The peer-review process consists of following steps:

1. An author receives acknowledgement of receipt by e-mail as soon as the manuscript is delivered to editorial board.

2. In the initial phase, the formal requirements of the manuscript are reviewed by journal´s editors. This includes adhering to the Instructions for authors, the topic of the manuscript in relation to the journal's scope, basic attributes of the scientific paper, and clearly declared scientific contribution of the manuscript). In case of shortcomings, the manuscript is returned to the author for revision.

3. If a manuscript meets the basic requirements, the editor-in-chief, in collaboration with other editors, assigns at least two reviewers who are experts in the topic of the manuscript. The reviews are made using the template.

4. After receiving the reviews, the editor-in-chief decides to accept or not to accept the contribution based on the reviewers' recommendations. If at least one review is negative, the manuscript is rejected. If none of the reviewers propose rejection, the assigned editor will ask the author to respond to the reviews and revise the manuscript if applicable. The editor can request also revisions beyond the reviewers´ requirements.

5. Only after all the requirements of the editor are fulfilled, the contribution is accepted for publication and the author is acknowledged by e-mail.

More information regarding peer-review proces can be found at Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement.

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Copyright 1998 - 2021 Institute of Geography, Faculty of Science, UPJŠ Košice

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